Web Hosting Info
Affordable Web Hosting
There are many companies who offer web hosting services with different features and prices. When looking for a web hosting provider to sign up with, whether you’re looking for dedicated server hosting or reseller web hosting, it’s important to know what you want and what your price range is. Price ranges vary enormously depending on what you need to sustain your website. HostRocket offers a free web hosting plan with 25MB of file storage, a control panel and tech support as well as a reseller web hosting plan with unlimited domains and unlimited email accounts $5 a month. If you need a dedicated server for your site, HostRocket offers 5 different plans ranging from $69.95/month up to $239.99/month depending on your needs. No matter what size your website is or how much traffic it attracts, HostRocket has an affordable web hosting plan for you.
Key Facts about Affordable Web Hosting
- Price ranges vary
- Dedicated Server Hosting
- Reseller Web Hosting