Web Hosting Info
Why Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated server hosting plans are all about control, and the control belongs to you. When you reserve one of our dedicated server hosting packages, you get AMD Sempron and Athlon servers with 64 bit processors designed to manage high and extreme traffic sites. Manage your resource driven sites with optional RAID protected hard drive mirrors designed to make sure your data is current, protected, and online. Hostrocket provides heavy duty servers in a redundant environment with OC-3 and OC-12 data pipelines and a robust internet backbone system designed for maximum uptime. Whether you're hosting a personal site or a big business enterprise, our dedicated server and managed hosting packages give you the power of today's top servers without the expense of ownership and depreciation.
HostRocket,com makes it possible to combine all of your hosting needs in a single plan. Whether you have an online store or a site with incredible popularity, we offer dedicated server and reseller web hosting plans that can turn your site into an online presence. Enjoy fast servers, easy control panel access, Redundant OC-3 and OC-12 lines, and RAID protected storage. You can cut your IT budget by moving to our servers and using our technical support. If you have a web shopping cart, intranet database, or Virtual Private Network, HostRocket can replace your in-house servers with reseller web and dedicated server hosting services designed to put you back in control of your internet destiny.